Fin is getting older. And bigger. And cuter! He's 5 weeks now and is awake more during the day, which is fun. We're also starting to see more of his little personality. He recently grew out of most of his newborn clothes, but size 0-3 is too big for him so he's just swimming in them. We love every day with him and are obsessed! How could you not be obsessed with that hair??
I was nervous about becoming a mom and about how my relationship with Riley would change and about not having time to myself anymore and taking care of another human and being at home all day, but having Finley here just makes my life and relationships more fulfilling. It's amazing and I've loved every second of being a mom. Even those hard nights when he won't go back to sleep no matter what you try, it doesn't matter because he's so cute and precious. I heard someone say that the reason babies smile is so that you don't want to hurt them. Haha.
Sunday Outfit |
I am really wary of blowing up everyone's instagrams and Facebook feeds with pictures of him because I know no one thinks he's as cute as much as we do..... So I'm just going to put all those pictures here. Well, not all of them, because we literally take hundreds of pictures of him.
Going to Dad's Soccer Game |
"F" is for Finley |
Loves his Longhorn |
Hanging out in the wrap |
Riley and I left him for the first time this week for about 2 1/2 hours to go to the temple. It wasn't too long, but the longest I'd been away from him was about an hour. It just felt weird not to have him with me, but it was nice to get out with Riley. The last time we went to the temple was the night before he was born and I went into labor just a few hours later. We also got to go on a horse ride, which we hadn't done together since before I got pregnant. We're lucky that we have so many family members around who are willing to watch him if we want to do things like that.