Thursday, November 12, 2015

Fin is 3 Months!!

We love life with Fin. He is such a perfect little guy. He'll be three months on Saturday! Lately he loves his baths, dad's beard, sucking on his hands, his changing table, annnndddddd (new this week) his Bumbo! He's grown out of most of his 0-3 clothes, which makes me sad since he's not even three months yet! Stop growing up so fast kid! I always get mad when Riley puts him in 6 month Jammie's or size 2 diapers. He can still squeeze into his size 1s and 3 month pjs, but they are pretty tight. I'm just in denial about the whole getting bigger thing.
Speaking of getting bigger...We took him to his 2 month appointment in October and they told us that he weight 8lbs, 12 oz. it didn't sound right to me, and it was a new girl doing the weighing, so I was pretty sure that was wrong. The next week we went to a family friend who is doing a medical assisting program and did a practice exam on Fin. And he actually weighed 13 lbs, 8 oz........ So my real doctors office was waaaay off. Cool. (What a chunk of a baby!!! It's all gone to his cheeks)

He's losing his hair which is so sad! But I'm hoping he won't lose it all. It's also quite a bit lighter than it was when he was first born. He's starting to swat and grab at things and I think that's one of the best parts of being a mom (besides all the snuggling) is watching them grow and develop. It's so fun!

Another thing that is so exciting is Christmas with a baby! I always love Christmas but I am so much  more excited for Christmas with Fin. I know he isn't going to understand what's going on, but I can't wait to put up the tree (I know he'll love looking at the lights) and making his own stocking. It's going to be magical!
We don't want out kids to be spoiled, but now I totally understand why some kids are! It's hard to stop buying  Christmas preset a for them. I keep thinking, oh he needs that, and it'll be so fun to see him play with that... I. Can. Not. Stop.

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